For a family Netflix experience!

Enjoy Netflix on PC without adult content with CleanFlix

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For those who want less nudity/sexualized content

Choose Cleanflix to enjoy your favorite shows and movies without explicit sexual content.

For families

Cleanflix makes Netflix safe for all ages, providing a worry-free viewing experience for families.

For those who want less bad words

Opt for Cleanflix to skip all scenes containing bad words

Our Services

Nudity filter

We detect and skip automatically all scenes of nudity or too sexualized content when watching your movies on a computer.

Images from Freepik

Bad words/Swear words filter

We skip all scenes containing bad words.

How it works

Without Cleanflix

With Cleanflix

We detect and skip automatically the bad words scenes

Without Cleanflix

With Cleanflix

We detect and skip automatically the too sexualized scenes

Enjoy your streaming movies safely

Cleanflix is designed to provide a safe and appropriate viewing experience for everyone.

By filtering out adult, sexualized content, bad words, we ensure that families can enjoy Netflix without concerns. Our mission is to make entertainment accessible and suitable for all family members. With Cleanflix, you can watch your favorite shows and movies with peace of mind.

“Entertainment should bring families together, not force them apart.”

Ange O. – CleanFlix founder

Why Choose Us


Our vision is to make streaming movie viewing safer, in order to have more family-friendly content.


Our team attaches great importance to the quality of our service; We are determined to provide you with the best possible quality of service.


Any question? We assure you flawless support so that you enjoy your series without compromise.

Try CleanFlix today for 2,99 €/month!

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